Seeking to accomplish our purposes…
Where we expect to arrive if we move intentionally in the direction of our PURPOSES according to our VALUES.
Ministries performed by the church body:
Small Groups >>Student Ministry >>Children's Ministry >>Men's and Women's Ministries >>Harvest Fellowship is a non-denominational, bible preaching church located south of Crawfordsville, IN. The atmosphere is warm, unimposing, and energetic. Harvesters love Jesus and seek to grow in their faith. Join us as you are and worship our great God with us Sunday mornings at 10 AM. Dress casually or dress up. We do both!
Expect someone to greet you at the door and help you get situated with childcare. Grab a cup of coffee or just find a seat. If it is your first time visiting us, please stop by the Welcome Center. We sing both contemporary songs and hymns. You'll hear preaching from the scriptures that is geared toward your heart, mind, and everyday life.
Nursery is provided throughout the morning, and Children's Church for up to 6th grade is available during the sermon time. When it's all over, feel free to slip-out quietly or reach-out for friendship.