Our Mission

Philosophy of Worship

Our simplest definition of worship is this.

"Worshiping God is rightly responding to the truth that He has revealed about Himself."

Our Worship Service involves many opportunities to Worship God. We worship Him when we respond rightly in praising Him in word or song. We worship God as we greet one another during our time of fellowship before, during or after the service. We worship God when we sit under His Word and open our hearts and minds to grow in His truth.

We specifically have an extended time of response after the sermon each Sunday. This time exists to allow us to respond to God's truth with praise, to consider how God desires for us to respond, to pray in response, to seek out accountability, etc.

We believe that worshiping God should also take place outside of the church service, especially in responding to His truth in daily obedience, sharing our faith, and loving others sacrificially.

Worship service beginning soon with Harvest Fellowship | Crawfordsville biblical
Worship with us
At Harvest Fellowship we strive to be a church on gospel mission in our daily lives throughout New Market, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, and beyond. Join us as we worship our awesome God on Sunday mornings at 10 AM.
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